Hunter's Checklist
Personal Items
____Toiletries, Medicines & Vitamins
____Glasses & Extra Glasses
____Cellular Phone and Charger
Average Hunt
____Hunting License
____Gun & Ammo
____Bow & Arrows
____Brodhead’s & Practice tips
____Binoculars & Range Finder
____Camera, Video Camera, Extra Batteries & Film
____Camo Clothing
____Clothing, Hat, Gloves
____Rain Gear
____Sent Elimination Product
____Tree Stands & Safety Harness
____Grunt Call & Rattling Horns, Etc.
____Deer Catty
____Topo. Maps & Area Maps
____First Aid Kit
____Cooler for Meat
____Emergency Lighter
____Water Purifier
____Food and Drinks
____Sleeping Bag & Self Inflating Mat Back Pack
____Back Pack
____Flashlight & Extra Batteries
____Walkie Talkie
____Field Dressing Gloves
____Hand Warmers
____Pull Up Rope for Bow or Gun
____Release Aid
____Wind Checker
____Cover Sent Raccoon Urine, Etc.
____Trail Markers
____Toilet Paper
The above list is just some of the items you may need on your trip.
Tournament Checklist
Personal Items
____Toiletries, Medicines & Vitamins
____Glasses & Extra Glasses
____Sun Glasses
____Cellular Phone & Charger
____Passport Average Shoot
____Bow and Extra Bow
____Bow Case
____Arrow Case
____Extra Nocks
____Feld tips
____Extra Sight
____Extra Fiber Optics
____Extra Rest
____Release and Extra Release
____Extra Cable Slid
____Extra D-Loop material
____Serving Material
____String Wax
____Allen Wrench
____Good per of Pliers
____Bow Square
____Portable Bow Press
____Arm Guard
____Chest Guard
____Hip Quiver
____Arrow Lube and Arrow Puller
____Bow Pod
____Sunrise’s Shooter Towel
____Shooting Chair
____Finger Sling
____Bow Stringer
____Finger Tab
____Shooting Glove
____Warm up Target
____Spotting Scope
____Hand Warmers
____Rain Gear
____Bug Repellant
____Sunrise’s Hat
____Sunrise’s Shirt
The above list is just some of the items you may need on your tournament.